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Episode Summary

In this podcast episode, Renee Hunt discusses her approach to leadership and hiring, as well as her experiences being headhunted for CTO roles. She also touches on the differences in work culture and pay between the US and the UK. Hunt challenges stereotypes of female leadership and emphasizes the importance of operating in the future as a leader.

Hunt explains that as a leader, she focuses on raising new leaders and operating in the future. She hires the best people she can find and gives them a high level of autonomy, trusting them to do their jobs effectively. She also emphasizes the importance of unblocking obstacles for her team and thinking ahead to the organization they will need in the future.

Hunt also discusses the differences in work culture and pay between the US and the UK, noting that work-life balance is more common in the UK. She also challenges stereotypes of female leadership and emphasizes that leadership books written by men can be just as valuable as those written by women.

Overall, Hunt's approach to leadership focuses on empowering her team and planning for the future, while challenging stereotypes and embracing diversity in leadership.

More about our Renee Hunt:

Renee has more than 30 years of experience in technology, starting her career in the US Army Signal Corp, then moving into the private sector after getting her MBA from the University of Texas at Austin. She is currently the Chief Technology Officer at Compare the Market, the UK's leading Price Comparison company.


Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Glowing in Tech podcast,

where we explore career development from black women in tech.

Hi, I'm Amber and I'm Jesse, and this Glowing in Tech

sponsored by Makers.

We are so excited to have Renee Hunt to join us.